Call for Submissions

General Instructions

All Harvard Library staff are invited to begin preparing proposals for Harvard Library Learns! 2020. All proposals should include a 200 - 350 word description of your submission, how it contributes to learning and professional development within libraries, and how it can be applied across different departments/units in the library. Proposals must also include one to three key takeaways that your audience will learn.

Submission Types

Panels (60 minutes)

All panels must include a moderator and chair (these can be the same person). The chair is responsible for organizing the speakers, topics, confirming participation and communicating to the panelists and the organizing committee. The moderator is responsible for keeping time during the session, transitioning between speakers and moderating questions from the audience.

There are two types of panels:

Discussion/Q&A panels: Up to six speakers focused on the same topic, organized as a more informal and/or interactive discussion. Include in your description how you will engage the audience.

Presentation panels: Three to four people giving formal 10 minute presentations/lightning talks organized together on the same theme with a joint Q&A session at the end.

Individual Talks

Give a 10-12 minute talk on a topic. Talks on related topics will be grouped together by the organizing committee into 60 minute breakout sessions. The committee will assign a moderator for your session.


A visual presentation of your topic. These will be on display throughout the summit, but poster presenters will be required to staff their posters during the lunch session (approximately 30 minutes). See the posters from 2019 for examples.

Workshops (60 minutes) *new for 2020*

Teach your colleagues with a hands-on session on a topic that people can use for their work or careers. Workshops may include more than one instructor, but there must be a workshop chair who is responsible for organizing the instructors, workshop materials, confirming participation and communicating to the instructors and the organizing committee.

Possible workshop topics could include but are not limited to:

  • Using web accessibility checking tools
  • Excel tips and tricks
  • Using Airtable for project management
  • Wiki tips and tricks

Get Help

Need some ideas? Stuck on your draft? We will have drop-in sessions before the submission deadline to provide consultations and feedback on submission ideas and how to write a proposal.



  • Submission form available December 4, 2019.
  • Submissions due Feburary 7, 2020. SUBMISSIONS HAVE CLOSED
  • UPDATE March 25, 2020: The in-person event scheduled for June 2 has been postponed due to COVID-19.